R2 Deco

My love for Sci-Fi and robots inspired me to craft one-of-a-kind robot sculptures.  After giving one away as a secret santa gift at work, I was encouraged to start a brand called R2Deco and sell my robots online.


Pencil Sketch

3D model

3D printed parts

Each robot begins as a series of pencil sketches, and later reimagined on the computer where I create working joints and break up the design into distinct pieces to help with assembly.  The parts are then brought into the real world with a 3D printer and treated with an exhaustive process of painting and weathering to achieve a vintage robot realism. 






For the final step, each sculpture is photographed and posed in multiple positions to showcase its personality before being placed on my Etsy shop for sale.  I feel this brings the robots to life and gives people a better sense of what they really are - posable art.


MAKE issue 45

MAKE issue 56

My robots have been published in two publications.  In MAKE magazine and Spectrum: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art