
Having a line of toys has always been a goal of mine and with Bloxies I finally reached it.  What made it even more of a treat was the fact that our overall design was maintained.

The original idea was about a four inch cube that stacked like Bloxies but was more for an infant.  Mike Dore and I decided it would be better aged up and scaled down.  This simple change allowed for some creative avenues we hadn't thought of before.  If you have cube animals than you could have cube houses, cube food, cube trees and plants.  We now saw the world that could exist and all the inhabitants within it.  We even borrowed the song lyric from Huey Lewis, "it's hip to be square" for our sizzle tagline.  We used CNC routing to cut out the individual parts and assembled them.  A few parts were sculpted such as the feet, tails and snouts. When you press on the top of the character they perform a simple action like lifting wings or waging a tail.  We tried to build in humor to these actions to make them more endearing. Once all the models were done and our fellow designers saw what we had done there was a buzz in the studio that I felt with few other items at Big Monster Toys.  

Concept sketches

Figuring out how these would function.

Scale mockup

This was used to test the painting style.

working prototypes

Shows how they function after stacking.

Simba did a fantastic job producing this line and maintaining the fun, cute and humorous feel.